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Duties of Part-time Faculty

The Part-time/Adjunct Faculty member is expected to:

bulletProvide the School/Academic Unit with an address and/or telephone contact.
bulletRegularly check (at least twice weekly) their College/University mailbox.
bulletConduct classes at the scheduled times.
bulletNotice of absence should be reported in advance to the Chair/Unit Head/Coordinator, if possible.
bulletRescheduling of a class should only be done after consultation with the Chair/Unit Head/Coordinator and the students.  (ALL students must aggree.)
bulletKeep records of grades and attendance.
bulletThe register of attendance, final grade sheets, signed cross moderation forms and required College/University documents must be submitted at the end of the semester to the Chair/Unit Head/Coordinator.
bulletPrepare and grade examinations and class assignments according to College/University and Department/Unit guidelines.
bulletInvigilate the examination for the assigned course at the time(s) indicated on the examination schedule.
bulletProvide students with Academic Board approved course outlines, inclusive of textbooks, reading lists, method of evaluation.
bulletProvide students with a course syllabus detailing participation and attendance requirements, assignments inclusive of due dates and other relevant information as agreed with the Heads of Departments and Course Coordinators.
bulletCooperate with the course moderator(s) and other faculty members who may be teaching the same course and abide by the College/University academic policies, including examination and cross moderation policies.
bulletReturn all College/University property, e.g., textbooks, teaching materials, etc., at the end of the semester/session in which the teaching assignment occurred.
bulletProvide relevant information in the event that grades are challenged.
bulletAttend relevant meetings that address matters pertinent to the assigned course(s).
bulletSchedule one hour per week outside of class time for student consultation and assistance.